Changing Seasons, Unchanging God

In Ecclesiastes 3 Solomon writes, “For everything there is a season”. This is one of those phrases that we most likely associate with a funeral or memorial service, yet Solomon’s words have far greater depth and reach to them. At their heart the wise king writes of the inevitability of change much like the ancient philosopher Heraclitus who said “There is nothing permanent except change.” In contrast to Heraclitus though there is a sense of permanence that rests behind Solomon’s words.

In Genesis 1, Moses recounts the creation of the world in six days. On the fourth day, he speaks of the creation of the heavenly bodies which according to verse 14 are to be “for signs and for seasons, and for days and years”. Change is indeed by grand design, and as such something that only an unchanging God can sovereignly guide.

2023 does not simply mark the start of a new year for Revesby Presbyterian Church, but a season of significant change. For some, change brings angst or despair, whilst for others there is excitement and optimism. There is change in our duties and responsibilities, as well as change in our character as we continue to grow alongside one another.

In many respects our small church will undergo significant change in the years ahead, and yet we are reminded that we come before a God who never changes. The writer of Hebrews declares that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”. Though change can often bring uncertainty, our God never changes, and we can have confidence that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

So it is with sadness that we farewell a faithful man of God who has served us and blessed us so richly over these past 23 years. We thank God for the way that he has used Peter to faithfully proclaim his word and model Christian service, week in and week out. Yet we praise God all the more in the knowledge that it is indeed Christ’s Church that we are a part of, and so we look forward with eager anticipation to see what the God of eternity has in store for us next.

With warmest regards in Christ,
Shane Gooch