Decently and in Order: Part 1 (1 Corinthians 14:26-40)


There are three groups – the tongue-speakers, prophets, and women (wives of the prophets?). We will look at the gender issue next time.

  1. Build up others in a spirit of peace and order
      1. We are to seek the building up of the church – 14:26 (‘building up’ in ESV;

Tongues and Prophecy in the Balance (1 Corinthians 14:6-19)


14:6. Intelligibility makes for edification.

  1. Music should be understood.
    • 14:7. Distinct notes are needed.
    • 14:8; Num.10:9. The bugle ‘speaks’, as it were, only if those hearing can tell if the message is to wake up, advance or retreat.
  2. Conversation should be understood.
    • 14:9-11. The word is ‘barbarian’ (barbaros) which

All Things in Moderation?

There is nothing like a breath of fresh air after a bout of mask-wearing or a lockdown, and the same is true in looking at life, and the claims of the Christian faith. C. S. Lewis pointed out that ‘Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of …

Evaluating Tongues and Prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:1-5)


Paul compares two gifts – prophecy and tongues. The medicines in your medicine cupboard are good, if used rightly. Get the proportion wrong, and they can do damage. It is the same with the gifts.

  1. Tongues interpreted have the authority of prophecy.
    • 14:5 (& verse 13). Roy Ciampa and

The Permanence of Love (1 Corinthians 13:8-13)


Jonathan Edwards wrote: ‘Heaven is a world of love.’

  1. Love will outlast gifts.
    • 13:8-10. Prophecies, tongues, and knowledge (I assume he means supernatural knowledge) will cease. The question is ‘When?’ Heaven or when the full revelation is given with the writing of the New Testament?
    • 1 Cor.12:28. Tongues are

God’s Quiet and Mysterious Work

God moves in a mysterious way,/ His wonders to perform. So begins one of the finest hymns in the English language. It was penned by one of the most depressed men who ever lived, William Cowper, who was friends with one of the most grateful men who ever lived, John …

The Character of Love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)


Daniel Andrews: ‘Love is love, fair is fair, and equality is not negotiable.’ That is precisely not what Paul is saying.

  1. Love is holy.
    • God is slow to anger – Ex.34:6.
    • Love is not irritable; it has a long fuse – Prov.15:1. It is not rude or coarse or

The Fable of the Religious Commissioner

Some of the frogs in the marsh came to think that they needed someone to lead them. It is true that they already had a parliament of owls, but, although they could all hoot like owls, there remained a fear that some hoots were …