Between this World and The Next

Christians live between life here on earth and the life to come. Sometimes life here seems rather mundane – we are washing dishes, picking up the washing, taking out the garbage, even ‘killing fleas’ as Calvin mentioned, presumably referring to lice in the children’s hair. Then we are found singing …

Death in Adam, Life in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)


Jaroslav Pelikan: ‘If Christ is risen, nothing else matters. And if Christ is not risen – nothing else matters.’

  1. Death in Adam.
    • 15:20-22. This is how death came into the world – Gen.2:17; 3:17-19. This is not by imitation, but incorporation. If we had been there, we would all

Women Presbyters? (1 Timothy 2:11-15)


Kathy Keller: ‘One woman told me tearfully when she learned Redeemer did not ordain women as elders or pastors, “It was like finding out that your fiancé is a child molester!”’ The subject has certainly made for drama and melodrama.

  1. Women are not to teach or exercise authority over

What if the Dead Are Not Raised? (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)


15:12. The Stoic philosopher Seneca in the first century said that at death ‘I will leave my body, and myself I will give back to the gods.’ Francis Schaeffer was adept at ‘lifting the lid’ off arguments.

  1. It would mean that Christ is not raised.
    • 15:13. A. C. Swinburne:

How Are Sinners Justified? (Acts 13:38-39)


This is part of Paul’s sermon in the synagogue in Antioch in Pisidia in modern Turkey (not Antioch in Syria). The ESV uses the word ‘freed’ which is probably all right (David Peterson thinks so), but it is actually the word for ‘justified’.

  1. Neither the ceremonial nor the moral

The Fact of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)


Herodotus records Xerxes weeping: ‘I was thinking and it came into my mind how pitifully short human life is – for of all these thousands of men not one will be alive in a hundred years’ time.’ That is the human condition. For the immediate problem, see 15:12.

  1. The

What’s a Girl to Wear in Church? (1 Timothy 2:9-10)


Calvin: ‘We may certainly arrive at a principle which is valid overall’. However, to go further would be ‘impossible’ so ‘we must be realistic here’.

  1. Women are to dress modestly.
    • 2:9a. The niqab and the burkha are not modest or evidence of selfcontrol. But we have largely lost the

Decently and in Order: Part 2 (1 Corinthians 14:26-40)


One wonders if one should have brought one’s retirement date forward!

  1. Men and women have different roles.
      1. Strict feminism calls for interchangeability, a complete opening of all roles to women. It calls itself egalitarian. Logically, this means women in the front line of battle, and women in the State

Resurrection and Persecution

At first glance, resurrection and persecution may not seem to be related, unless linked by martyrdom. After all, Richard Dawkins has claimed that religion was invented as a ‘comfort-blanket’ to help people cope with a nasty world. Presumably, the doctrine of resurrection would be among the strongest candidates used to …

The Role of Praying Men (1 Timothy 2:8)


William Cowper: What various hindrances we meet, In coming to the mercy seat!

  1. Men are to pray.
    • 2:8. The word used here is for men as distinct from women. The women are to pray too – Acts 1:14; 1 Cor.11:5. But Paul is emphasising that men should lead in