Ministering to Those Who Are Suffering (Job 2:11-13)


Nancy Guthrie’s What Grieving People Wish You Knew, written after two of her children died, is very helpful.

– at the end we find that it is rather mixed, but Job is more right than wrong, and his three friends more wrong than right.

  1. Make contact.
    • they travel

Job is Put Through the Wringer Again (Job 2:1-10)


Job is an extreme book, but suffering can come in waves. Recall again that Job knows nothing of the role of Satan in all this.

  1. The closer the suffering, the greater the hurt.
    • 2:1-8. The issue in 1:10-11 extended in 2:4. ‘What hurts more – the war in Ukraine

The Gospel of Britney Spears

For what it is worth, ‘Britney Spears’ is an anagram for ‘Presbyterians’. Of more significance is her recent foray into the world of social media where she has declared that she no longer believes in God but is an atheist. She wrote that she had rejected religion as a result …

Observing Creation Mandates: Respect and Purity (1 Timothy 5:1-2)


Mark 3:31-35. Bonhoeffer refers to four creation mandates for all humanity: labour, marriage, government, and the Church as the community of believers.

  1. Pastoring men.
    1. Older men. The KJV has ‘elder’ but it is not referring to a man with the office of elder but an older man.
      • Lev.19:32. Calvin

Enter Satan and his Onslaught (Job 1:6-22)


Satan only appears four times in the Old Testament – Genesis 3; 1 Chronicles 21:1; Zechariah 3:1; and Job 3. The exchange in Job 1:6-12 is never revealed to Job.

  1. Satan aims at one possible weak spot.
    • read 1:6-11. On the mission field, ‘rice Christians’ are those who gather

Job Blessed and Godly (Job 1:1-5)


Luther called it ‘magnificent and sublime as no other book of Scripture’. Calvin preached 159 sermons on it during 1554-1555. Joseph Caryl gave 424 lectures on it over 24 years.

  • it is mostly poetry but still historical – see Ezekiel 14:14, 20; and his age in Job 42:16; and

Looking Unto Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2)


Christ is both our example and our substitute – read 1 Peter 2:21-24. Hebrews 12:1 is ‘the epilogue to the former chapter’ (Calvin).

  1. Sin is the great hindrance in the race of faith.
    • 12:1. The witnesses could be spectators to the race, but more likely they are those who

The Death of Queen Elizabeth II

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022 has led to a significant outpouring of emotion throughout much of the world, even in the United States which is not part of the British Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth was on the throne before I was born. She reigned for seventy …

Faith that Suffers (Hebrews 11:35b-40)


In verses 30-35a faith overcomes, bur in verses 35b-40 faith suffers adversity. Robert Bruce: ‘We learn that faith does not always bring a temporal deliverance, nor is a temporal deliverance ever promised, so no one can claim from God what his word has not guaranteed.’ Read Acts 12:1-3, 7 …