Put Out The Wicked Man (1 Cor. 5:1-5, 9-13)


4:21. I can remember as a boy in the church when the church organist took off with some woman. Nobody knew quite what to do, and eventually nothing much was done.

  1. Some unrepentant sins require church discipline.
    • 5:1-2; Lev.20:11. Cicero mentions it as an evil. In Sophocles’ Oedipus (Rex)

Spiritual Fatherhood (1 Cor. 4:14-21)


4:15. Paul is writing hypothetically as the founder of the church. Note 3 John 4. That is the Christian perspective.

  1. We must love.
    • 4:14. The NIV has ‘my dear children’ but it is actually ‘my beloved children’ (ESV). See Luke 15:20, 21-23. God rejoices when one sinner repents. Beware

Pride Distorts Everything (1 Cor. 4:6-13)


Ps.138:6. ‘Nothing is more self-deceitful than pride,’ writes John MacArthur.

  1. Pride takes us beyond Scripture.
    • 4:6. Hans Conzelmann finds this verse ‘unintelligible’. Hardly! The formula ‘it is written’, meaning ‘it is written in the Old Testament’ e.g. read 1:19, 31; 2:9, 16; 3:19-20, etc. Calvin says Paul could be

Judging A Ministry (1 Cor. 4:1-5)


The video has 3 seconds of silence at the beginning.

We live in an age where there is a mania for surveys and evaluations.

  1. Our first task is to be faithful to God.
    • 4:1-2; people ought to regard the apostles and teachers as servants of Christ and as stewards

The Character of Christ and The Person of Christ

John Stuart Mill is known as the great liberal political philosopher of nineteenth century England. He was also an atheist, but later in life he came to write of Christ: ‘When this pre-eminent genius of Christ is combined with the qualities of probably the greatest moral reformer and martyr to …

All Things Are Yours (1 Cor. 3:16-23)


Paul has been wrestling with the Corinthians who have become divided over human teachers and wisdom.

  1. A right view of the Church.
    • 3:16-17. Ten times in 1 Corinthians Paul says: ‘Do you not know?’ In other words, he expects us to know this. The Holy Spirit indwells the individual

Wrong Paradigm, Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Solution

Our response to the world needs to embrace more than lament, but a deep malaise has descended upon contemporary Western society. There is a hardness of heart, but a softness in the head; a trivialisation of life, yet a lack of humour; and a coarsened culture but a distorted sensitivity …

Building Well on a Firm Foundation (1 Cor. 3:10-15)


Salvation is by free grace, a gift – Eph.2:8-9. But there is still a judgment by works – Matt.16:27. Calvin says that these verses from 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 apply to ‘ministers alone’, but there are wider principles too.

  1. We are saved if we build on Christ.
    • 3:10-11, 15; see

Working Together (1 Cor. 3:1-9)


Beware the cult of personality.

  1. Christians should grow.
    • 3:1-4. If it is your considered view that Jesus is your Saviour but not your Lord, then He is neither – Matt.7:21-23. The gospel message is ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus [Christ], and you will be saved’ (Acts 16:31).
    • these Corinthian

A Full Dress Rehearsal for the Resurrection (John 11:1-44)


John’s Gospel records seven signs that point to Jesus’ authority.

  1. Jesus is fully divine.
    1. His knowledge is supernatural. Note 11:4, 11-14.
    2. He claims what God claims. See 11:25. Who can speak like this, save God in the flesh? See John 1:3 and Rev.1:17-18.
      • 11:25b-26a. Christ says that those who