Beware Of Confident False Teachers (1 Tim. 1:1-7)


Paul was making his way to Macedonia (northern Greece) and he left Timothy at Ephesus, to fight the wolves and to feed the sheep.

  1. The pastoral authority of Paul.
    • 1:1-2. Paul writes as an apostle of the Messiah Jesus, not by good luck or as circumstances would have it,

Use Knowledge Lovingly (1 Cor. 8:7-13)


We are often tempted to a ‘One slogan fits all’ approach to life, even the Christian life. The biblical approach is much fuller – Galatians 5:13.

  1. We are our brother’s keeper.
    • 8:7. Kenneth Bailey met a fellow in South Sudan who had come from worshipping the red snake as

Knowledge Puffs Up, Love Builds Up (1 Cor. 8:1-6)


This was apparently raised in a letter from the Corinthians – 7:1, 25; 8:1a. There are two frameworks here: one is conceptual (the issue of idolatry), and the other is relational (how to interact with others).

  1. Knowledge requires love.
    • 8:1-3. This is the way of God always – Isa.

He Has Ascended! (Acts 1:9-11)


  1. The ascension of Christ was an historical event.
    • 1:9-11; Luke 24:50-53. In John’s Gospel, Jesus refers to it when speaking to Mary Magdalene – John 20:17. The rest of the New Testament refers to it often enough – Eph.1:20-21; Heb.1:3, 13.
    • Luke 4:20. The same language is used to

The Single Life (1 Cor. 7:25-40)


  1. Paul gives advice, rather than issues commandments – 7:25, 35, 40. Usually Paul writes with apostolic authority – 14:37.
  2. Meaning of ‘the present distress’ (7:26). Famine? Persecution?
  3. 7:36-38. To an engaged couple (ESV, Bruce Winter) or to parents and their virgin unmarried daughter (NASB, Calvin).
  1. God honours the single

The King of Heaven and Earth (Matt. 28:16-20)


James Montgomery rightly wrote in 1822 of ‘great David’s greater Son’. The focus is all-encompassing – ‘all authority’, ‘all nations’, ‘everything I have commanded’, and ‘always’. Jesus is the King who rules over all.

  • 28:16-17. Maybe something like a soldier who has been thought to have been killed in

Start From Where You Are (1 Cor. 7:17-24)


‘I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content’ (Phil.4:11).

  1. Be faithful where you have been assigned.
    • 7:17, 20, 24. He emphasises that this the rule he has taught in all the churches (7:17b). Essentially the idea is ‘Bloom where you are planted.’
    • Spurgeon tells of an

Changing Scenes Of Life

Ecclesiastes 3 sets out a poetic and memorable reminder that life has its seasons, and there is a time for everything – to be born and to die, to plant and to reap, to kill and to heal, to break down and to build up, to weep and to laugh, …

Weak Arguments From The Guards (Matt. 27:62-66; 28:2-4, 11-15)


Is this like the six supposed appearances to three young Portuguese shepherds of the Virgin Mary in 1917?

The women are afraid, then joyful; the guards are afraid, then corrupt.

  1. What actually happened.
    • 27:62-66; 28:2-4. There had been an earthquake, there was an angel (Luke and John both say

Covenant Relationships In the Family (1 Cor. 7:14, 16)


Note the mixture of doctrine and practice. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: ‘I spend half my time telling Christians to study doctrine and the other half telling them that doctrine is not enough.’

  1. The covenant and its sign.
    • 7:14. Why raise the issue of the children? God often blesses in families –