God’s Covenant Community

Times of lock down do highlight what the Bible says about God’s covenant community. Throughout the Bible, God unfolds covenants with His people – a covenant of works with Adam; and then succeeding covenants of grace in various guises, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to David, and finally the …

Mandatory Vaccines and Rapid Antigen Testing: a Way Forward?

The lockdowns associated with COVID-19 have had the effect of straining relationships in a number of places, and the church has not escaped. The threat that worshippers in NSW churches will require vaccine passports before they can be allowed to join in public worship adds an extra dimension of angst. …

An Exercise In Self-Discipline (1 Cor. 9:24-27)


The Puritans of the 17th century were renowned for their self-discipline. It was said of Samuel Rutherford: ‘He is always praying, always preaching, always visiting the sick, always catechising, always writing and studying.’ The early Methodists were methodical.

  1. We need to exercise self-discipline.
    • 9:24-25a. The ancient world held Olympic

Evangelising In Every Situation (1 Cor. 9:19-23)


‘to win’ is found five times in these verses, plus ‘to save’ in verse 22. Proverbs 11:30 tells us that ‘whoever captures souls is wise’.

  1. Be a free servant to all.
    • 9:19-23. Gaius (Roman jurist): ‘all human beings are either free or slaves.’ Paul says that he is both.

Living for Eternity

‘All that is not eternal is eternally out of date,’ said C. S. Lewis. It is one of those fresh and startling comments that Lewis was prone to make. We live in a world which is imprisoned within itself, yet full of geniuses telling us how to respond to it, …

The Apocalypse and the Coronavirus (Revelation 6:1-8; 16:9, 11; 22:20)


Charles Spurgeon: ‘Only fools and madmen are positive in their interpretations of the Apocalypse.’ But it can be done!

  1. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse inflict God’s judgments.
    • Rev.6:18; see Zech.6:1-3. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are traditionally war, famine, pestilence, and death. The history of the world

The Right Use Of The Law (1 Tim. 1:8-11)


Calvin: ‘many people are led stray under the cover of holy Scripture.’ Some just reject the law. Others see the law as the way to salvation, as the Pharisees did. Others think they are neutral, which, of course, is beguiling.

  1. The good law must be used lawfully.
    • 1 Tim.1:8-9a.

Paul’s Rights Not Used (1 Cor. 9:1-18)


Paul deals with his right to earn a living by preaching the gospel, but also says that he freely decided not to make use of this right.

  1. Paul is indeed an apostle.
    • 9:1-2. See Acts 1:21-22; 1 Cor.15:8 for eye-witnessing and 1 Cor.3:10; 4:15 for founding churches.
  2. Paul has

Ethics by Ourselves

Before he died of cancer in 2011, Christopher Hitchens spoke for many a modern atheist – and ancient one for that matter – when he declared: ‘We believe with certainty that an ethical life can be lived without religion.’ It has become a common enough view. The recently appointed president …

Cast Down, Lifted Up (Psalms 42-43)


Calvin: ‘All the sorrows, fears, troubles, hopes, doubts, perplexities, stormy outbreaks by which the hearts of men are tossed are here depicted by the Holy Spirit.’ See Prov.18:14. Calvin sees David as the author, but the sons of Korah could be from the Babylonian exile of the sixth century …