Grace Embattled (1 Timothy 1:18-20)


Throughout the first chapter Paul deals with law (1:1-11, 18-20) and grace (1:12-17).

  1. We are to fight the good fight of faith.
    • 1:18-19a; ‘war the good warfare’. For first century prophets, see 1 Tim.4:14; 2 Tim.1:6; Acts 15:32.
    • the Christian life is a life of battles – Eph.6:10-13; 2

Christ And Adversity (Mark 6:45-52)


  1. Christ tests His people.
    • 6:45. In difficult conditions a crossing might take 6-8 hours. It does not seem to have been life-threatening as in Mark 4:35-38.
    • 6:46-47. Jesus tests His people. See John 11:6-7, 14-15; Luke 13:10-17. Christ is sovereign over all adversity, including Covid-19.
  2. Believers can struggle in

Euthanasia: What is Life Worth?

One by one, the Australian states have adopted extreme euthanasia laws, to go alongside their extreme abortion laws and their celebration of LGBTQI lifestyles. Now, New South Wales is being pressed as the last domino to fall, as it were. We are all supposed to be progressive these days, and …

Grace From the King of the Ages (1 Tim. 1:16-17)


Verses 16-17 are set side-by-side as contrasts, yet they belong together in Paul’s mind.

  1. Paul as a pattern of grace.
    • 1:16. Paul is the first and worst of sinners (1:15), yet he is an example, an exhibit, a pattern, a prototype of all conversions. Some of this is unique

Seek the Good of Others (1 Cor. 10:23-11:1)


‘Flee idolatry’ was Paul’s message back in verse 14, 20-21. But what about outside the pagan temple?

  1. Glorify God by seeking the good of others.
    • 10:23-24. Freedom is important but it is not the only issue. See Rom.15:2; Phil.2:4.
    • 10:31-33. Gordon Fee: ‘To give offence … does not so

Flee Idolatry (1 Cor. 10:14-22)


It is not misleading to say that the West celebrates what it calls diversity (it is actually conformity), whereas the Bible is concerned with truth. It is very serious to worship the wrong god – Romans 1:21-23.

  1. We are to flee idolatry.
    • 10:14-15 (recall 6:18 re. sexual immorality)
    • Paul

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1 Tim. 1:15)


Thomas Bilney: ‘O most sweet and comfortable sentence to my soul’. Bilney felt what he described as ‘a marvellous comfort and quietness, insomuch as my bruised bones leaped for joy.’ About 1524 he conveyed its message to Hugh Latimer.

  1. This is a saying to take to heart.
    • there are

Handling Temptation (1 Cor. 10:13)


Enticing to sin is a part of Satan’s very nature – Matt.4:3. Calvin defines temptation as ‘everything that allures us.’ Verse 12 is a warning, and verse 13 reads more like a promise.

  1. No temptation is unique.
    • 10:13a. The temptations of the rural Israelites are much the same as

Grace Abounding (1 Timothy 1:12-14)


John Bunyan’s second most famous book, after The Pilgrim’s Progress, is his autobiographical Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. He received the inspiration for the title from verses 14-15.

  1. Grace makes us thankful.
    • 1:12; see 1 Cor.7:25. Christ gave him wisdom, and enabled him (NIV has

Covenant Privileges and Warnings (1 Cor. 10:1-12)


This is clearly written to those inside the church, not those outside.

  1. Christ’s covenant people enjoy spiritual privileges.
    • 10:1-4. Usually the New Testament presents the Church in terms of Israel e.g. 1 Peter 2:5. But here Israel is presented in terms of the Church. Note that ‘all’ is there