How Are Sinners Justified? (Acts 13:38-39)


This is part of Paul’s sermon in the synagogue in Antioch in Pisidia in modern Turkey (not Antioch in Syria). The ESV uses the word ‘freed’ which is probably all right (David Peterson thinks so), but it is actually the word for ‘justified’.

  1. Neither the ceremonial nor the moral law can justify us before God.
      1. The ceremonial law was only ever a shadow of what was to come with the Messiah. For example, Lev.1:4 for the burnt offering. Was that compulsory? Yes. Did it actually save? No, it never did. Hence Psalm 40:6-8 and Jer.31:31.
    • Heb.10:1-4. A painting of still life reminds us of a fruit bowl; but it is not the same as a fruit bowl.
      1. The moral law does not justify us because we fail to fulfil it. Lev.18:5. The moral law is good in itself, but we go wrong – Ps.130:3. See Rom.7:12-13. The unbeliever who does not like the moral law will change it. God addresses us as sinners.
  2. Only Jesus can justify us before God.
    • Luke 18:9-13.
      1. Jesus is the substance, not the shadow.
    • Heb.10:11-14; John 1:29. His death is of infinite value because He is divine. John 5:24.
      1. Jesus fulfils the law in His person and His work as our substitute.
    • Acts 2:24. Do It Yourself might be good for the handyman. It is not good for the sinner
    • Romans 3:21-24