- ‘the day of the Lord’ – Amos 5:18-20; Isa. 2:12; Joel 2:31-32, which is cited with reference to the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).
- God judges the nations.
- vv.15-16; Ezek.25:14.
- the cup of God’s wrath – Ps.75:8
- as they have done to others, so it will be done to them – Joel 3:4-8; Matt.7:2; Matt.6:14-15.
- God saves the remnant of Zion.
- vv.17-18; see Ex.15:1, 7; Matt.3:11-12.
- the land will be regained – vv.19-20 seems to refer to Israel’s regaining of the land that it lost in the Negev (the south).
- Amos 9:12-14 is understood by James at the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 to be a prophecy of the calling in of the Gentiles into God’s kingdom without the need to be circumcised first.
- The kingdom of the Lord Messiah is coming.
- v.21. Calvin says that this is ‘unquestionably’ Messianic.
- Col.1:13-14. Obadiah simply speaks the truth of God. Be humble, be compassionate, be faithful.