Peter Merrick : Mark 6: 30-44
(7 January 2018)
SERMON NOTES: Mark 6:30-44 The Feeding of the 5,000 Men
With the exception of the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus, this is the only miracle which is recorded in all four of the Gospels.
1. Jesus Knows Us and Knows That We Need Rest (vv. 30-32)
2. Jesus is Our Shepherd (vv. 33-34)
a) He had compassion on them
b) As sheep without a shepherd
(Psalm 23)
Jesus teaches before He feeds.
3. Jesus is Our Provider (vv.35-44)
There were literally 5,000 men. We speculate about the number of women and children (Matthew 14:21) present.
a) Jesus the new Moses (Numbers 11)
b) Jesus the new David (Ezekiel 34)
We are beggars who have found Bread, pointing others to the Bread of Life.