Peter Barnes | John 4:1-42
Knowing the Saviour of the World
John 4:1-42
1. The desire of a new Christian to make Christ known.
– 4:28-29; ‘the expulsive power of a new affection’ (Thomas Chalmers); she begins simply by asking questions
– she acknowledges her sin (4:29, 39)
– pain in Acts 2:37 leads to joy in Acts 2:46
– 1 Thess.1:8
2. Our faith in Jesus as the Christ must be personal.
– not private, but personal
– John Brown of Haddington’s last words in 1787: ‘My Christ’.
3. Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world.
– also the title of the Roman emperors.
– from the Jews (4:22) to the world (John 1:9, 29; 3:17; 12:20-21, 31-32)